Mirroring the interior body


I was post-doc researcher in this project

This project was part of a bigger project, The Mediated Body, lead by Robert Zwijnenberg, and hosted at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Art, Maastricht University, 2001-2008. It was funded by a NWO Open Competition grant. 

Project description
The general aim of the program is to describe and conceptualize the interrelations between knowledge formation, representational conventions, technological interventions, cultural dissemination, and subjective experiences that mediate the human body and its boundaries. The program consists of five related, philosophical, historical and sociological and anthropological research projects investigating into various medical, scientific and artistic ways of visualizing the inner human body and its boundaries. By focusing on visual representations of the body’s interior and boundaries we set out to formulate a theory of the mediated body that allows us to understand the various dimensions involved in its mediation. By concentrating on mediation we aim at a comprehensive treatment and a new perspective on traditional philosophical themes as the relationship between subject and object, the status of knowledge, and the experienced body in its social, technological and cultural context.

Main output
Slatman, J. (2003). Kunst en filosofie, Wijsgerig Perspectief, Vol 43, no. 4, pp. 18-27.PDF

Slatman, J. (2004). L’imagerie du corps interne. Methodos, Savoirs et Textes, no. 4 “Penser le corps”, online open access

Slatman, J. (2005). De zichtbaarheid van het denken. Over de visualisering van hersenactiviteit in wetenschap en kunst. Feit en fictie. Tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van de representatie, Vol. VI (2), 102-113.PDF

Slatman, J. (2007). Recognition beyond Narcissism. Imaging the Body’s Ownness and Strangeness. In: H. Fielding, G. Hiltmann, D. Olkowski, A. Reichold (Eds.). The Other. Feminist Reflections in Ethics, London, Palgrave, pp. 186-204.

Slatman, J. (2008). Vreemd Lichaam. Over medisch ingrijpen en persoonlijke identiteit. Amsterdam, Ambo (229 pp). This book has been short-listed for the Socrates Prize 2009. Second print 2011

Slatman, J. (2009). Beelden van het lichaam: Van verleden tot heden. Schrift. Tijdschrift over de Bijbel, Vol. 41 (5), 147-152

Slatman, J. (2009). Transparent Bodies: Revealing the Myth of Interiority, in R. van de Vall & R. Zwijnenberg (eds.). The Body Within: Art, Medicine and Visualization, Brill, Leiden, pp. 107-122